In August of 2022, I got an idea that instead of trying to find coverage for Hunter every day and taking him into work and making us both miserable, I would take him away… but to where? Follow my Virginia Woolf Stream of Consciousness Brainstorm:

Maybe we can go to Florida? I’ll rent a condo? I can’t take him to Disney for two weeks… that’s too much … I mean not really, it’s not too much, but no…people will judge. Renting a condo is a good idea… maybe? Air B&B? But where? Texas has wide open spaces… but then what? Ugh… I’d like to go to Arizona one day… hmmm… what about Mount Rushmore? Not near Arizona, but that would be great… but then what? Ugh… what can we do that will keep us continually busy for two weeks? ROAD TRIP! Ok… good… Road Trip… but to where? America has a built in road trip! No brainer… The Ultimate Road Trip! Route 66! Awesome! I have watched Cars at least 400 times! I know what I’m doing! There’s even a song! … ok … so yeah … Route 66… ummm … so ummmm … where does it start? Chicago? It starts in Chicago??? Hmmm… who knew? (yeah, I know there’s the song, but I don’t understand what they are saying) … Ok… where does it end? Santa Monica? I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali (sing like LL Cool J) OH HELL YEAH!

If you ever plan to motor west…

Below you will find a detailed itinerary that I mostly stole from others and adapted to my needs and a daily day to day.