
For some unknown reason … maybe because I’m a pop culture junkie or because I love the sun or because it’s just so dang far away … I have always always always wanted to go to California. I’ve wanted to see the cable cars from the Rice-A-Roni commercials in San Francisco; drive the Pacific Coast Highway like the clothing brand that was popular when I was in middle school; wander the hallways of Sarah Winchester’s mansion because I faintly remember hearing about it long ago and the intrigue began; walk around Carmel like one of the silly characters from a Danielle Steel novel; go to Disneyland cause well, do I really need to put that reason in writing(?); and most importantly, stare at the Hollywood sign until I was done looking.

So, in 2019 I set off for San Francisco to drive down Route 1 to Disney and LA with the intention of living on fish tacos.

Then in the summer of 2022, I set out again only for 28 days where I would be working from my then-company’s Huntington Beach office.

My 2019 visit to California held three goals: dinner at The French Laundry, touring Hearst Castle, and seeing The Hollywood Sign.

I couldn’t get a reservation but reasoned that The French Laundry could easily be replaced with Per Se. I gave up Hearst Castle for Solvang (huge mistake). But oh, that sign was so amazing!!!

So, I did it again. still sans The French Laundry; however, I did spend a full day at Hearst Castle and with 28 days to explore my 65-page itinerary, I lived the California life.

A few weeks after I returned home, Hunter and I headed down Route 66 and landed in California, so this page will have links of things I have done in no particular order.

This is not a day-by-day itinerary, but instead pick and choose where you’d like to explore and my notations and pictures from that place will be there.