Ultimate Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary: Seattle to San Diego
Now that we are home, here is the itinerary that I based everything on…just because it is o this list, doesn’t mean we did it, and we did a ton […]
15 Day Road Trip from Seattle to San Diego: Pacific Coast Highway Adventure
This trip began germinating when I began working at Dime. Thanks to a 1950s banking regulation, I am forced to take ten business days in a row of vacation. With […]
For some weird reason, I was not thrilled to go see this…let me tell ya, I WAS WRONG! What a show it was. So much more than watching the dress […]
California – Disneyland
When I first entered Disneyland, I remember thinking, meh… I grew up on the Florida ideal of the property! We all know that Land is small and cramped. When planning […]
To enter this park is to walk in Walt’s immediate footsteps. You enter the world he created…his immediate vision, and sure, it has changed and grown over the years, but […]
Snow White Cottages
I actually found these super hard to find, but so worth it. Said to the basis for the the home of the seven dwarves. 2900 Griffith Park Blvd.Los Angeles, California, […]
Hollywood Studios
Rides Fun Around The Park Restaurants The Hollywood Brown Derby Galaxy’s Edge
Magic Kingdom
Rides Characters Fun Around the Park Restaurants Be Our Guest Although I have heard a lot of negative reviews of this restaurant, I watched a bunch of vloggers to make […]